Blood Orange Sorbet

Every now and then I make two much juice so that is when I turn to making sorbet. Sorbets are easy to make but take time to freeze unless you have a ice cream maker. Either way they are a wonderful treat. A few simple steps and you can turn any fruit into the perfect sorbet.

Blood Orange Sorbet

Prep Time:

Cook Time:

Blood Orange Sorbet


  • 2 cups water
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • small pinch salt
  • 2 cups blood orange juice


  1. Bring sugar and water to a boil.
  2. Boil for 1 minute and remove from heat.
  3. Stir in juice and salt.
  4. Refrigerate 3 hours or over night.
  5. Pour into ice cream maker and follow your ice cream makers instructions.
  6. If you do not have a ice cream maker pour into shallow stainless steel pan and freeze for 3 hours.
  7. Scrape frozen mixture and return to freeze.
  8. Let freeze for 7-8 hours and then serve.


You can use any fruit you like to in this recipe. Try mixing a couple different types of fruit for a special blend.

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