Tag: Asparagus

Bacon Wrapped Asparagus

Sometimes I get in an asparagus rut. I make the same ol’ asparagus spears sautéed in butter and garlic. Now, don’t get me wrong – That is delicious in itself…but I wanted something more decadent. So what’s a girl to do? Wrap it in bacon, of course.

Celebrate Pi Day with breakfast Asparagus Pie!

I love to celebrate pi day by eating pie for breakfast!  In previous years, I’ve had banana cream pie, chocolate pie, or apple pie.  I decided to go a little more adult route this year and celebrate the asparagus that is abundant in my fridge right now.  When my daughter […]

End of the Basket Salad

Ever wonder what to do with your produce from the last basket a few days before the new basket is coming. I do a end of the basket salad. Never the same twice but it is always fantastic. I am surprised how creative some of them can be. Change them […]

No Soup For You!

I have been wanting to eat Brussels Sprouts in a soup and I wanted to find a way to have them in without it being the main attention getter. You may not believe me this when I tell you but…Brussels Sprouts have a bad rap. I get it; they are […]

Cream of _______ Soup Blueprint

It’s Friday night. You’re exhausted. You’ve made your contribution for a Bountiful Basket this week, but there is still a week-old (or two-week old, let’s be honest) head of broccoli (or bunch of asparagus, sack of potatoes, head of cauliflower, etc.) in the fridge staring you down, begging to be […]

Citrus Asparagus

Asparagus has been a prized delicacy for over 2,000 years.   No wonder I love it so much!  Asparagus is also loaded with nutrients and antioxidants.   You can roast, grill, or fry asparagus.  My favorite is to combine it with whatever citrus I have available.  Feel free to substitute the oranges […]

Asparagus and Sardine Pasta

Did you luck out with a case of asparagus last week? I was lucky enough to share a case with a friend. I’ve got Asparagus coming out my ears…Here is one way that I used some this week. I started out following Gordon Ramsay’s recipe for a rustic pasta sauce […]

Quick and Easy Pasta Carbonara

Life is a combination of magic and pasta. -Federico Fellini When I cook for my family, I do my best to set the mood. I always feel like I am more able to listen to the little things that the food is trying to tell me when I surround myself […]

Weekend Bounty

Saturday breakfast is hard. With getting up to volunteer at the BB site, bringing the bounty home, and then trying to get everything rinsed and put away, making breakfast on Saturday morning is generally the last thing I want to do. But this time, my husband woke up early to […]