General Info

Z.O.M.B.I.E. Veggies

Recently it seems that Zombies have made a real “comeback”. Television programs, movie, books, and even cellphone companies have gotten on the Zombie bandwagon. So it seems only natural that Bountiful Baskets should resurrect a few veggies.

Using Pinterest to Organize Your Recipes

For a long time I avoided the Pinterest craze because I just didn’t get it. But as I have taken the plunge I find it an amazingly useful tool for grabbing recipes and tips off the web without saving them onto my computer! The result is an easily accessible virtual […]

Southwest Avocado Ranch Salad

Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves -Thoreau I didn’t realize how much I needed a creative outlet until I started writing this blog. I had a personal blog that I used post to on a very regular basis, but for a time I lost my voice. […]

Valentine Stickers for You!

Looking for a fun AND healthy valentine? We’ve got you covered! Download these fun valentine stickers and put on the fruit of your choice. There are 48 1-inch stickers. 18 apple versions, 18 orange versions, and 12 banana versions (see the sample above!). You can print them on a sticker […]

Waste Not, Want Not

Picking up baskets from Bountiful Baskets pretty much guarantees that you will be doing loads of chopping and prepping of all sorts of produce. After all of your chopping, peeling and trimming you will accumulate mountains of scraps. Rather than filling up your trash can with the scraps, there are […]

Potential Mango Recall

We have been informed that Canadian Food Inspection Agency has recalled a limited number of Daniella brand mangoes due to the presence of Salmonella. One of Bountiful Baskets vendors supplied us with some Daniella mangoes last weekend (8/25) that were included in the Conventional Basket at two sites only; Vancouver, […]

Why Volunteer?

Bountiful Baskets is a Co-op, short for Co-operative, which “…is an autonomous association of persons who voluntarily cooperate for their mutual social, economic, and cultural benefit.[1]” (Source, Basically, everyone needs to participate for the Co-op to work and for it to continue. If you volunteer on a regular basis, […]