Tag: Plums

Plummy Passion Pack – July 2013

As you go through your Plummy Passion Pack it’s fun to identify what you are eating!  It’s a family tradition in our house to cut one of each type into small chunks and try each type.  Each person chooses their favorite!  Have fun with your pack!

Canning Lid Tarts

“Use it up- wear it out- make it do or do without”. This old pioneer adage is repeated so often in my house my kids start rolling their eyes before I even get to the “up”. I try to make it apply to school supplies, new clothes, cars, and even […]

Plums – Quick and Easy

One of the items we get a lot of during the summer is plums. I personally love plums, but sometimes it seems like we get an overload of them. What’s a person to do? I asked a bunch of friends for ideas and this is what we came up with: