Gluten Free

Oh My So Much Pumpkin

This year there are pumpkins everywhere. How I love the smell of pumpkin cooking and wish it would last throughout the year. Here is one way I get my pumpkin fix for the rest of the year. I make Pumpkin chips and pumpkin powder. My dehydrator is a good friend […]

Autumn Fennel Slaw

This week we received fennel, red pears and apples in our baskets. I decided to try a more autumnal version of fresh fennel slaw by making an apple cider vinaigrette to dress it. It came together rather quickly and only needed to rest for 30 minutes for the flavors to […]

Chipping, carrots that is!

  I found myself trading avocados a couple baskets ago for some extra carrots. Not realizing at the time I had 2 one pound bags already. Now what can I do with them???? I know carrot chips. There is nothing like homemade chips of any kind and carrots are one […]

Adventure into making raisins

The making of raisins is a wonderful journey. For me there is no better way to show my love for family and friends then by cooking for them.  These raisins are just another way for me to do that. I first started by doing a vinegar water wash of the […]

Lemon Blueberry Muffins

I should have never questioned one of my friends….she knows I love allergy friendly recipes!   She brought these to a MOPS meeting (Mothers of Preschoolers).  I begged and she sent me this recipe…..but told me she used regular butter… I subbed in dairy free Earth’s Balance and created a […]

Brussels Sprouts and Parmesan Frittata

My chickens have an incredible ability to produce more eggs than we can eat at breakfast, so we are constantly on the lookout for dinner recipes that have the ability to use a ton of eggs!  This recipe fits the bill, and could only perhaps be improved by a smidge […]

Asparagus and Sardine Pasta

Did you luck out with a case of asparagus last week? I was lucky enough to share a case with a friend. I’ve got Asparagus coming out my ears…Here is one way that I used some this week. I started out following Gordon Ramsay’s recipe for a rustic pasta sauce […]

Stuffed Pepper Soup Freezer packs

Its officially Soup Season!  Its my favorite go to lunch, a steaming bowl of soup and a sandwich really hits the spot on cold days.  I really love when I can go out to the deep freeze and grab a soup pack and have lunch or dinner on the table […]

Tomato Chips or Tomato Powder

We love tomatoes!  Whether it’s a bowl of pasta with homemade sauce or fried green tomatoes we love them in any and every possible way.  Recently I decided to do something a little different.  I decided to try my hand at tomato chips.  Yep, you read that  right, tomato chips.  I […]