
Kasundi… ketchup’s Indian cousin

I’m not a big fan of normal ketchup.  I know, I’m weird but I don’t even keep it in my house.  I just find that it is generally oversweet and can overpower the flavors of whatever you are putting it on. With that being said, I think that Kasundi is […]

Caribbean Hot Sauce

Have I ever mentioned that we go through our veggies way faster than our fruit? We do. We’re just a savory, veggie type of family. So anything that I can do to use up the fruit in more savory ways is always welcome. And hot sauce. Hot sauce is always […]

Preserved Lemons

Preserved lemons is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while. It’s a staple in Moroccan cuisine, and, really, it just appeals to me. I’ve added some ideas for how to use them once you’ve made them at the end of this post.

Black Mamba jam – an exclusive!

I’m always on the hunt for a new jam since I opened my cottage food business… or since I started my garden. No, maybe since I decided my life’s goal was to become a mad scientist in the kitchen… that sounds more like it.  It’s amazing how I just drool […]

36 Hour Apple Butter

The things we do for the people we love! I am a pretty simple kind of gal. I like my routines, I like the foods I like and I don’t like trying new things or making changes to my routine… until that is, I started on this food revolution/adventure I’m […]

Strawberry Honey Butter

October’s poplars are flaming torches lighting the way to winter. -Nova S. Bair I don’t know what it is about fall, but it brings me in. It holds me tightly with memories of trick or treating as a kid, the hot smell of the candle flickering inside my perfectly carved […]