Pizza & a Movie

Carrie K – Pizza and a Movie

The movie Mystic Pizza was filmed in 1988 and takes place in Mystic, Connecticut. My life could almost be like this movie. In the summer of 1987 I left home and traveled from Salt Lake City Utah to live in Hamden, Connecticut to become a nanny and have my own […]

Whitney D – Pizza and a Movie

When Joann suggested the idea of a collaborative Pizza & a Movie post, I got really excited. We eat pizza on a pretty regular basis, and getting the family together to watch a movie is one of the best ways to get the busy teenager in my house to actually […]

Amaree – Pizza and a Movie

One of my favorite movies is the OLD Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Always one to be attracted to the silly and whimsical, Willy Wonka has been one of my favorite characters, played so adeptly by Gene Wilder. He has such delight in the simple pleasures of life and […]