Side Dish

Stir Fry

Friday night is refrigerator clean out time, getting ready for my goodies from Bountiful Baskets.  What can I make with all the odds and ends? Stir Fry! Heat up some oil in a large skillet and add in some small pieces of meat, seafood or scrambles eggs, veggies and even […]

Fruit of the Angels– Papaya (Papaw, Pawpaw)

One of the exciting things about Bountiful Baskets is the occasional opportunity to try new fruits and vegetables. Once in a while, something really unique and unavailable in my Northern neck of the middle-of-nowhere woods Great Plains shows up in the basket. Today’s basket was one of those baskets! Papaya. […]

Roasted Cumin-Lime Carrots

Gayla shared a recipe for these amazing carrots on our main Facebook page, and graciously agreed to share here. Her version uses coconut oil instead of extra-virgin olive oil, and she made some adjustments to seasoning. The final product is amazing!

A Most Versatile Vegetable

Can you name one vegetable that can be used in lasagna, banana bread, oatmeal, rice, potatoes, mac n cheese, icing, cake, pizza crust, “tater” tots (cauli-tots?), in curries, Alfredo sauce and more and never (or hardly) be noticed? Is there such a vegetable? I’ll give you a hint– it was […]